Friday, November 02, 2007

Time cannot define you only express you.

It is wonderful to note that God knows us way before we were born. He refers to us way beyond time. It is in this context that we have to see ourselves. We have an association in him that goes beyond time. Eph 1:4 states "...that he chose(associated) us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless..."

God had to look at himself first before he made us and that is our true identity. Not even the failure of Adam could cancel what God knew about us. He saw us in Christ way before man could identify himself with Adam.

It has the solution to so many problems in our day and age in which man struggles to find identity in the sense realm (time). We have become bound by the definition of our experiences, instead of being liberated by the truth of our real origin in God. Being the offspring of God and being created in his image and likeness. We need to return to our place of birth, our Heavenly Fathers heart. We are a product of His imagination. We were created for His pleasure.

For all things exist for him. Everything has its origin in Him that includes you and me. From Him , for Him and to Him are all things. We were created for His pleasure to express him in the earth. So that eternity can be revealed in time, the word made flesh. God in a human body. We carry his likeness and image to accurately reveal him. His love has been poured into our hearts.